This week our program is being provided by Andrew (Drew) Ryburn. Drew is a member of the Evergreen EMT’s. He recently traveled to Paris for the Olympics. Drew will be able to give us a front row seat inside the Olympics.
Don’t forget that this is a board meeting week. We start at 5. All are welcome.
It is not too early to begin thinking about who you will invite to membership night on Sept.18th. We do what we do because of the ideas and hard work of our members. The idea of the membership event is for members to invite friends and associates to be exposed to us and what we do. We will not be arm-twisting. We hope appealing to your friends who are of a giving/sharing mindset will be sufficient to interest them in Mountain Foothills Rotary.
Jason Browne was the Master of Ceremonies for the Rotary International Conference in Houston and is undertaking a big project for ShelterBox. He is driving across the country to start his "Disaster Simulator". He will live like a "refugee" and constantly post and blog about his experience and the experiences of the 115 Million refugees in the world today, all to raise awareness of the acute need for life saving aid. Like ShelterBox Adventurer Britt Woodrum before him, he is passionate, articulate, and committed to our mission: Everyone deserves a place to call home. It is a human right and the first step towards recovery after disaster.
Here is the link to his video about the project:
2024 District Conference
Sep. 28, 2024 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time
Protecting the Environment - What Rotarians Are and Can Do!
District Conference
Saturday, September 28 | 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
$50 Rotarians/$10 Rotaractors
Register by September 19th!!!
Breakout Session Topics
■ Eco-Cycle Recycling
■ Solar Panels for Ukraine
■ Operation Pollination
■ Innovating for Cooler, Greener Cities
■ Jack's Solar Garden
■ Soil Health, Regenerative Agriculture & Ranching
■ Wildfire Mitigation
■ Rotary Project Panel
■ Colorado's Water
Salvador Rico - Rotarian and Founder of Cleaning the Rivers of the World
Laurie Zuckerman - Director of Communications, ESRAG - Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group
Plan on attending.