Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Michael Bornhouser
September 23
Nan Jarvis
September 23
Susanne Robert
September 23
Bill Downes
Karin Downes
September 10
Maren Schreiber
Rod Schreiber
September 25
Join Date
T.J Carney
September 1, 1979
44 years
Jeanne Canny
September 8, 2004
19 years
Dave Brewick
September 15, 2006
17 years
Kay Brewick
September 27, 2006
17 years
Sep 06, 2023
How our immune systems work, how vaccines protect us and how new cancer killing regimes are working
Sep 13, 2023
Sep 20, 2023
A tour of RI Headquarters in Evanston
View entire list
Executives & Directors
President Elect
Rotary Awareness
Family of Rotary Chair
RI Foundation Chair
Club Administration
International Service Chair
The Foundation of MFRC Chair
Sargent at Arms
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july9 story
Our speaker this week is Dave Brewick who has been a Rotarian since 2006. He is a past president of Mountain Foothills Rotary Club.  His economic forecasts have become a highlight of our speakers and a favorite of many of our members.  
This week Dave will discuss the role of local banking within our complex banking system. Dave, as you know, is the president of Evergreen National Bank. He has an accomplished career in banking and has held positions as a banking executive and banking consultant. He holds a BA in Economics from North Park University and an MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management with a degree in Finance and Industrial Relations.
Wednesday will be our July board meeting at 5PM. All members are welcome, This is the beginning of the Jaime era which promises to be fun and filled with success.
The 17th. will be our annual golf tournament. The golf committee, headed by P.J. Dyon, has worked hard and many members have contributed. Bill Downes has, as always, brought in many sponsors.  You should plan to join in on the fun on that Monday whether you are working or not.   
A reminded that the service for Med Durel Monday te 24th. at 11:00 at the church of the Transfiguration.
See you Wednesday.
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Zoom Passcode: rotary
(719) 359-4580
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Zoom ID: 822 3249 3564 Zoom Passcode: rotary
Zoom Phone Number: (719) 359-4580 Phone Passcode: 478734